Sunday, 4 March 2012


Hi all, We are very happy to announce that now you can enjoy skidos games (learning fun games) on your tab devices (touch screen) and touch screen phones as well, as we are moving towards android market and you can install our first educational fun games (Balloon Math) from android market.

Click here to install the Balloon Math Game

We hope that your kids will find this game usefull and fun. Balloon Math Game revise your Maths Calculation. We will upload more learning games soon on android market place time to time. so for more updates.


Sunday, 12 February 2012

Enjoy free online educational games for age 12+ kids


Bee Counting (Maths)
Revise your Maths calculations. A sharp mind and a calm head will be needed to win this game.

Cricket for Kids (English)
This game will test your english vocabulary. Score max runs and bowled out opponent below the runs.

Lemonade Stand (Little Businessman)
This game tests your ability to start a business and make profit. Setup a lemonade stall and gain profit.

Enjoy free online educational games for age 10 to 11 kids


Enjoy playing online educational games for kids age 10 to 11 at

At Skidos we focus on the wholesome development of skills which your child will need over the course of his life namely creativity, imagination , teamwork, reflection and critical thinking. These are imbibed through a range of engaging learning activities in arts and crafts, cooking, gardening, reading and other learning experiments.

Skidos has three main sections:

Skidos Classroom: Has fun and educational learning games covering subjects like Math, English, science, social studies and general knowledge.
Skidos CafĂ©: Allows kids to interact with their classmates and share content in a safe and secure environment. Here we also list numerous learning activities which you and your child can do together.
Skidos Playground: Application where kids can utilize the points earned through the learning modules to create a virtual house of their own.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

SKIDOS BLOG: Get your Query Solved at FAQS

SKIDOS BLOG: Get your Query Solved at FAQS: Frequently Asked Questions What is ? is an online initiative specifically designed a...

Get your Query Solved at FAQS

Frequently Asked Questions

What is is an online initiative specifically designed at making learning fun for kids 4 to 12. Our unique tools for imparting learning to children include educational games, offline learning activities, animation and graphics, phonics and sounds which capture their imagination and increase their motivation for self learning. At Skidos, kids can also take a break and connect with their school friends in a safe and secure environment.
Is this like Facebook?
No. We focus only at learning and educational content. Our social networking platform is restricted to allowing only schools friends update each other on their learning activities at
Is Free?
Yes, the account and basic services are free. However we provide premium content in the form of educational games and specific applications for which users need to pay a nominal amount per month.


SKIDOS BLOG: PARENTS AND TEACHERS: is a next generation advanced online learning & community site for young computer u...

PARENTS AND TEACHERS is a next generation advanced online learning & community site for young computer users. Wee are committed to providing users with a safe and engaging environment to learn and have fun at the same time. Our users enjoy never before seen the state of the art learning games developed by our team of educationalist, child behavior specialist and experienced web developers. These games have been designed keeping in mind the latest curriculum for primary level education from across the globe.
We have divided Skidos into three areas - Classroom, Cafe and Playground.
In the classroom our users can play and learn from a wide range of games covering all primary level subjects like Maths, English, Science, Geography, General Knowledge, Music and Environmental Studies. Parents can track their child's performance in all these games through our uniquely designed 'Report Card'. Here your child's performance will be measured relative to other children of his/her age group. We will send you a weekly report card of your child's performance and activity report on our site and recommend games and activities for areas of improvement.
In the cafe our users can interact with their classmates and share content in a safe and secure environment. Skidos has a message filtering system and a professional monitoring system. Unapproved messages will be blocked. Users can also report any misbehavior or violations to Skidos for immediate attention by our team of moderators.
In the playground our users can utilize the points earned through the learning modules to create a virtual house. We also encourage our users to spend time in offline activities which will help in building their creativity and general knowledge about the environment. Every week we will recommend an activity for the child to be done under the parent's guidance.